JPop idol known as MELODY has taken the time to talk with us about how her music career has taken off since 2012! Releasing songs, even an EP, with newer music always being worked upon! She has performed shows but only at various events, but she would like to perform more, release even more music, and repeat it all again!
1. Where did you get the idea for the name, you planned it or came out just like that?
I just use the same name I use in real life, except in my artist name I mostly just go by my first name!
2. Why did you want to play this genre?
I write and perform J-pop music, and I always really loved the unique sounds and energy in J-pop. I love everything about idol culture too and not just the music, like the excitement of performing, meeting other idols who share my interests, the styles, the costumes and anything else!
3. How did this whole thing get its formation?
Since 2012 when I was 5 years old, I loved to sing and play music and I knew that some day I wanted to sing and dance and make my own music. I started listening to J-pop in around 2018 and stared finding out about idols through music videos. I was truly inspired and that's when I decided how I wanted to express myself with music.
4. Where are you based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local artists or bands you could recommend?
As both an overseas J-pop idol and a music artist I'm based in Vancouver, Canada. I haven't traveled abroad to see idols outside of my province yet, but I do know that idol culture in North America is still in developing stages. From what I know Vancouver is pretty ahead as our local scene is getting competitive for performance slots in events, we are hosting our standalone events and we have supporters who work hard to come each time. Most idol groups or soloists here do covers, but some like me do original songs.
J-pop idols aren't really a music genre but more of a performance style, so I'm not sure what group or idol to recommend because each writes or covers different music. So, I would recommend to go to an idol event and see what group appeals to you!
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
Hearing songs from other idols, whether it's performed live or through streaming, helps to inspire my future songs. Sometimes just by listening to a song I can get ideas for lyrics and composition, even if it doesn't have any words. Sometimes when I'm deciding what kind of song to write next, I ask myself, "what is my discography missing?" As in, what kind of mood, sub-genre or meaning do I want to show people that I want to portray although I haven't yet?
6. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)
A lot of the time my songs are about how I feel when I perform, so I try to portray excitement and positivity with the lyrics and the instrumental. Some of my songs are directly taken from how I've felt in personal experiences, or are exaggerations of personal experiences. I also like to include references to things I like which are part of my concept or style, such as music, and mention it in a song.
7. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)
I write my songs and lyrics, and some of the production. I write composition and words for the song at the same time, using my sketchbook to write lyrics and blank sheet music to make the score. To decide on the sound of the song, I use my keyboard. When I have a finished draft of a song, I send it as a demo tape to my sound producer, Ryuzen. He is a very experienced music producer who has been working in J-pop for a long time, and even has his songs in rhythm games. I show him the song and references and we create the final track, then I record the song and and mix and master myself!
8. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?
My first release was an EP with the tracks "New idol song!" and "Pearl Lake" as well as instrumental tracks in June 2024. In early September I released "DIVE!☆Summer Memory", and then "Love Adventure" in November. I always hope that my songs can give people an authentic J-pop idol experience, but still show off my own skills and thoughts.
9. Do you have any new music in the works?
No matter what time of the year it is I'm always working on a song! But sometimes it's in different ways. Most of the time when I say "I'm working on a song" it would mean writing it, but sometimes I'm working with my producer to release it, or working on a music video.
10. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?
I perform in idol events but also as a part of the mainstream music industry. I challenge myself to perform as often as possible, and while I love to perform on stages for idols where there's a recurring circle of fans that will know my music, I want to get out to any stage I can. It's still a little early for me to tour, but I'd like to start thinking about my plans for it. As of writing this, I currently have a few shows that are currently being planned, and one that I'm announcing really soon!
11. What plans do you have for the future for this year?
This year I plan to release more music and spread it with more people. I also plan to make more music videos. I am making plans to start perform internationally as well!
12. Where can we listen to you and where can we buy your stuff?
You can find me on any streaming platform and all major social media sites! To see each individual platforms, you can see my website, I sell my merchandise at live shows after completing my set! I also have plans to set up an online store some time this year!
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