Eternal Slaughter Discusses Debut Album, New Singles, and Summer Plans!


Metal act ETERNAL SLAUGHTER have their debut album out "Urge To Kill" along with a single, with some other singles expected out soon! Some summer time plans are set possibly, with the band having it set to make it big sometime soon, release more music, and perhaps play soon! They go on to discuss all of this and more below.


1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?

Most of the decisions that were made up until a lil while before our single shadows were made by our Singer Dylan. The band name came from the feelings he had with “eternal” and then “slaughter” was a slight hint to a band he loves Slaughter to Prevail. The name worked great for what wanted. It was mostly being corny to be funny but it ended up working and being memorable at the same time.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Its a genre that we all had different levels of being in. Our singer loves the heavy heavy side in deathcore and hardcore slam scene where our bassist is a big A7X fan so he adds a bit from his genre as well as our rhythm guitarist and drummer. The debut album “Urge to Kill” was a solo project from Dylan the singer guitarist as well as shadows which was a tribute song in honor of his friend Aaron.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Dylan (guitar/vocals) and Trenton (bassist) knew each other since 3rd grade. We met Mars (drummer) when she was a freshman at our high school when she came in to a club meeting for Metal Club and she wanted to learn how to play drums and so Dylan taught her and she learned so fast that we tried teaching her a song off our first album and she did it right there and we knew she was who we needed. Trenton knew Kayla (rhythm guitar) and introduced her to the band and she went through and learned the songs quick enough to play with us after we already had a show.

4. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

Eternal Slaughter is based out of the IE in San Bernardino, California. There is a pretty fun scene with a lot of house shows. Sadly there aren't that many venues open anymore most of them have shut down so we do have to travel a little bit for the shows but the travels are part of the fun. There is a band called “For those Above” that are just killer from out here as well as a band called “Espionage” if you like the older thrash sound.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

There are some bands out there that we have a little bit if inspiration from but our sound is always changing we aren't stuck to one sound if we have a song idea that we like no matter what sub-genre it is we will release it at some point we are here to have fun with this. We have inspiration from bands like Suicide Silence, Kublai Khan TX, A7X and many others but we try to play something that sounds original to us.

6. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

Our songs vary in themes our Debut album “Urge to Kill” was about the feelings of anger and betrayal from friends that Dylan was having at the time and used the music to get his feelings across. Our latest single “shadows” is a song that was made to honor Dylans best friend when he suddenly lost him. He made that song with the feelings from losing him as well as an unreleased song called “misery” that will be coming out soon.

7. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

The songs that are out were all solo projects from Dylan up to “Shadows” and the rest of the band came in later. I wrote the riffs first and kept them if i liked how they sounded and would make a good drum track then put that or the recording software first and play the guitar over it like a metronome then add bass then vocals. With the full band and new songs we have a riff and Dylan loops a certain part for Mars and she writes a drum part while Trenton and Kayla play a little bit softer to come up with what sounds best.

8. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

We have released “Urge to Kill” our debut album and then our single “Shadows” both of which were solo project and have a nice raw sound while still being mixed which has a kind of underground vibe to it while still being killer. Anyone who listens to our music will notice it is heavy hitting and crossed a few genres from Djent to metalcore to hardcore or deathcore. All the songs still have a pretty original feel to it where you will notice its something you haven't heard before and recognize it if it comes on again.

9. Do you have any new music in the works?

We have singles that we are finishing up recording the last tracks or mixing. We have performed some of our unreleased music live and gotten amazing response from the crowd on these unreleased tracks.

10. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

We have a surprise ready for this summer if things go as planned but we don't want to say anything to early just in case it doesn’t work out the way we would need it to for that to happen so for now we will keep it on the down low but announce on Social Medias if it does happen.

11. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

We would love to make it big we know that will take time and dedication but we all love music some more then others but we will try what we can to keep going strong and consistent. We would to push and be the biggest hardcore band out there or Metalcore or whatever genre people want to call us at the time. We do know we want this and will push for it.

12. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

You can find us on Spotify and many other streaming services like iTunes Amazon YouTube music etc. We are on Instagram @eternal.slaughter.hxc where we will keep updated with our shows new music releases and merch as well which should be out before February 2025.

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