Electronic rock act First Class Trash uses digital rock and roll dramatics to create their classy musical style. Both Kyle and Eli Raider vocalist, guitarist. and programmer tells me about the band's creation and latest EP material.
1. First off, How did First Class Trash form?
FCT was formed as a fresh start out of the ashes of our previous band, Stained Angel, with which we took as far as we could.
2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?
Kyle: It rang with us as as a cool name/moniker that we hope can be identified with by our fans.
Eli: Seemed catchy and seemed to fit us pretty well. We're used to a pretty meager lifestyle.
3. Where are you guys from originally?
Kyle and Eli hail from Florida, with Danielle and J hailing from Las Vegas.

Everything under the sun.
5. What accomplishments are you most proud of as a band?
Coming up with a sound that we truly believe as being original and fresh compared to the same old crap being force fed to the masses by cookie cutter wannabes.
6. Describe your relationship with your fans in one word?
Kyle: Here.
Eli: Growing.
7. How has being in a band impacted your life?
Kyle: Desiring to make music (in any way, shape, or form) as a career choice is both a blessing and a curse. Victories are the greatest high ever, failures/mistakes/the waiting game eat your soul.
8. Do you have any major goals for your band?
Kyle: To be able to make a living touring the world and making music that makes listeners hair stand on end and scream "Fuck yeah!". To live the life music listeners dream of.
9. How do you describe your sound to people who ask you what your band sounds like?
Kyle: We tell them to listen for themselves.
10. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)
Kyle: Downfall of American values, personal experiences, life as a band.
Eli: Life, sex, hate, politics, sluts, suicide, anger, redemption, empowerment, determination.
11. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)
Kyle: That's Eli's department.
Eli: I typically write and arrange the songs, do the programming, guitars, etc. Then I try to pass on a stripped down version to Vyla and let her write synths to it, then we kinda mix and match our favorite parts.
12. What inspired the EP title? Is it a concept release?
Kyle: People love to party, and this is going to be the soundtrack to drink to while the world crumbles down around them.
13. Can you go into one or two tracks on the new EP? If so, can you give us the track title and brief description of how the track sounds and how it came about?
Eli: Deadheart; It's a fast paced song about obsession and feeling nothing inside. I'm an insomniac, and I was laying in bed at 4am, and for some reason got up and just put that song together. I mean exactly like it is now. Drums, bass, guitar, synth, vocals, lyrics, melodies. Just demoed the song and then sang it. It was the easiest song I've ever had come out.

14. What are your expectations for this EP?
Eli: If it sold that'd be great. Introduce ourselves to people and get them hungry for our full length.
15. What do you guys have planned for 2013?
Kyle: To show every doubter, hater, fan, casual listener, and grease ball that makes a living off musicians' pain and hard work that we aren't fucking around!
Eli: Full length, shows, and to put on the best show we possibly can.
16. Is that your final answer?
Kyle: Donde.
Eli: Skee.
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