Go Gracious' Dee and Morris Talk About Debut EP and Upcoming Future Plans!

Pop rock duo act Go Gracious just released their debut EP "Petrol Money", which they plan to focus upon, getting the word out as much as possible, before any new music comes about. In fact, the duo themselves Dee and Morris talked about the EP, upcoming shows and tours, as well as some insight into their history as a band, their name, and so much more!

1. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.

Dee: Hi, I’m Dee. I’m a fashion conscious, Sagittarius that likes long walks, puppies, olives and pineapple on his pizza, Justin Timberlake and coffee.

Morris: Hi, I'm Morris. I've got no interest in fashion, astrology, walking, animals, food or caffeine. Love JT though. Me and Dee met on Grindr.

2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

Dee: Well, first of all who doesn’t like alliteration? Even that phrase "Like Alliteration" sounds bloody fantastic and it's not alliteration. But it’s also a bit of a life lesson for me personally. Who needs a thousand metaphors to figure out you shouldn’t be a dick? So Natzworld readers!!!! Go with Grace please.

Morris: I wanted to call the band "Ed Sheeran" but apparently someone has already taking it.

3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

Dee: We are based in Brixton in South London, which if you haven’t been I will say you really can get a cracking rum cocktail and Caribbean food. Morris and I tend to be involved with a lot of working, touring bands from all over. This may be my experience but London is a hub for most bands or certainly a common stop. So, local? Not so much but great bands that come through? Of course, I have a close knit friendship with a band called DEAD! They are playing Underworld later this year and I cannot recommend them enough. We also BBQ corn on the Cob better than anyone you have ever met!

Morris: I'd always prefer to define us as from Earth. Earth has the best music scene. Ask Matt Damon; Mars' music is rubbish. I've come to the realization that I've now painted myself into a corner for recommending bands local to the planet because there are far to many to mention them all. So, without causing too much offence to those I don't mention, check out: Gaffer Tape Sandy, Peaness, Indoor Pets and Calva Louise.

4. How would you describe your style?

Dee: I really struggle with this question all the time. Firstly, I really don’t know how to judge my own music. I feel the closer I get to trying the more that will play on my mind. Part of me wants to lie to get you lovely readers to listen...... Imagine Frank Sinatra never played vegas, Brandon Flowers was a punk not a Mormon and Billy Bragg was politically apathetic. We are the result of that super sweaty sex party. Can I say sex party on Natzworld?

Morris: In an age where musical categories are utterly meaningless, I like to define us as pop-rock.

5. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

Dee: Lucky for you..... we just released our debut EP "Petrol Money" it cost 3 months of mind numbing worry (from me not Morris), 2 broken hearts (both mine), and a mild caffeine addiction that to be honest I’m proud of (no one likes a quitter). Here is the kicker: you can stream it on all good streaming sites. So really what I’m saying is I have just given you no excuse not to go have a listen. Once you have listened to it please message us and tell us what you think. I honestly would love to hear from you.

Morris: Predating the EP we released a debut single "Shake". Expect catchy, singalong vocal melodies and loud noises from all of the above.

6. Do you have any new music in the works?

Morris: Dee is to song writing what the Energizer Bunny is to being a motorised rodent. He never stops creating new music. So there is always new stuff bubbling away beneath the surface. There's likely to be another EP next year but for now we are concentrating with getting what we've already released heard.

7. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

Dee: July/August we will be out and about but I’m not allowed to tell you yet. Sorry, I know we just met, you're e excited, I am excited and it feels right. I just cant say right now but you will be the first to know, I promise. (Blows Kiss)

8. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

Morris: Planning too far ahead at this stage seems redundant. Much like this question following the previous two.

9. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

Morris: On all of the usual streaming services, some unusual streaming services, on our website (gogracious.co.uk) and at our live shows. This applies to both listening and buying stuff.

10. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?

Dee: That music is made for people to listen to so whatever you feel, feel it, and enjoy it if you can because I really love making it.

Morris: That we want to hear from them, whether they liked it or not. You can contact us on Facebook (facebook.com/gogracious), Twitter (@gogracious), Instagram (@wentgracious) or our website (gogracious.co.uk). And that we love you for listening.

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