Matt Adey - Broken Wing

"Love Is Not A Game", was a great success for Matt Adey. But while that successor is behind this single trek, another single is in the wings, "Broken Wing", for that matter.  Now the previous single was very upbeat, catching, and had this addressing tone to it, that just made it very moving and fluid with the music. Now with "Broken Wing", you get somewhat of the same formula but the music is more toned down, does not have such an upbeat pace with such catchiness. This track is more of a soothing melody with comforting tone, one that can be heard while embraced within the arms of your loved ones. It being that ballad type of track, without even being a ballad at all. For the most part, it is likely one of those songs, that can easily be played during the setting to that of a slow dance scene. That is how this particular track sets itself up. Matt Adey's vocal abilities being superb, gliding with the music's tone, that make it all come together, that it never skips a beat, but keeps up with the steady peace of the beat at play. In favor of it all really, Matt Adey's "Broken Wing", is another single that will succeed just like all the others before it.

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