InDirection's Garrett Grothe Talks Of Full-Length in the Works and a Whole LOT More!

Post hardcore act InDirections released their EP debut "Through Transitions" as well as two singles "Dead Legacy" and "The Separation" they have a lot more in-store including the release of their debut full-length due out soon! Drummer Garrett Grothe talks about how the band came to be and the new material they got in-store.

1. What type of band are you?

Garrett: We are a Post-Hardcore band from Dallas, TX

2. Tell us the brief history of your band.

Garrett: We started this band originally under the name "Perceptions". But after numerous member changes and style changes we wanted to start fresh with a new name and sound. We started InDirections in May of 2011 and released our first EP April 2012. We are currently writing our freshman full length that will be released in 2014.

3. Where are you from?

Garrett: Dallas & Houston Texas.

4. Do you think not being from a big city like LA or NY influences your sound?

Garrett: It may just depending on what kind of music you strive for. The metal genre is very dependent on social media and most of our influences come from just looking up bands on Myspace, Facebook etc.

5. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

Garrett: The band name itself really means nothing!

6. Who are your musical influences?

Garrett: Oceana(old&new) Underoath & A Plea for Purging.

7. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

Garrett: Our guitarist Kevin and Wes will record an idea. Then Landis will track a few vocal parts and get momentum on a chorus. Once we get the song structure done we all get together we then all get together and complete the song.

8. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

Garrett: We like writing about situations that each of us go through personally and as a band.

9. Tell me about the song Dead Legacy.

Garrett: About a two years ago we were screwed over by our old management and the production company they worked close with. We were left in a rut as a band and so we wrote a song about it.

10. Do you guys have any new music in the works?

Garrett: That we do! We are currently writing our first full length album that will be released in 2014!

11. What are your upcoming plans for this year?
Garrett: We currently can not say much but we can express that we will be touring alot alot alot.

12. What do you hope for in 2013?

Garrett: We hope to connect with more people at our shows.

13. Anything else you'd like to say or add?

Garrett: Absolutely! We are 110% so thankful for everyone of our fans around the world that have been just pouring out so much love and support. We have SO much coming up in 2013/2014 that we seriously can not wait to show everyone!

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