Deathsquad Demongods - Your New Favorite Fuckin Band

Kick starting in 2010 with writing for their debut LP "Your New Favorite Fuckin Band" and first free single "Everybody's Favorite Guy" frontman Stevie says that this album is indeed their debut and is very badass and a very serious record.

"It’s something of a mission statement. We’re your new favorite fuckin’ band bottom line. Don’t talk to me about some guys you saw at Warped Tour and liked. I’ll have none of it. We’re your favorite and that’s final. There’s a lotta great stuff on this record. You’ve got snotty, Sex Pistols influenced stuff like “Dirty Little Liar”, as well as the full on old school metal of the spaghetti western themed “Apocalypse Joe” There’s something for everyone, as long as you’re a badass at heart" he says which is what describes the record's sound and source of style from start to finish.

With the songs mentioned beforehand there is no way around this album because those without a doubt imply what makes this release such a raw in your face rock album. The guitars are flawless with loads of focus and energy put into each melody and riff with the vocals staying right on track with everything else it just comes together it’s endless material.

Deathsquad Demongod’s is here to stay and as Stevie puts it again and again there “Your New Favorite Fuckin Band”!

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