These Dead Machines the One Man Act of Creativeness!


Rocker THESE DEAD MACHINES is an up and comer whose content is rock, with him releasing singles, and always having new music in the works! Being a one man act, no shows or touring as of yet, but doing music is what he wants to do, creatively is the key for him! See what he has to say about himself and his music creativeness.


1. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.

So, it’s just me, Dan. Up until the end of the pandemic times we were a band called Mark of 1000 Evils, but as lives changed through that, we went our separate ways. I bought myself an electric drum kit to try and crack learning the drums so ended up in a place where I wanted to keep going in some form

2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

I tend to name songs really quickly, to capture the vibe of whatever the theme is about and These Dead Machines was from a song that ultimately didn’t get finished but I like the name. The more I thought about it…it’s not just the throwaway culture, or the fear of AI, it’s us - our role in the world…I’d like myself get pretentious about this stuff sometimes!

3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

Being a recording project, I’m less in touch with the scene (damn, I miss playing live!) but you should definitely check out The Empty Page. Kel & Giz dropped an awesome album recently:

4. How would you describe your style?

Haha, I’m still working on that! I’ve always been on the rock side of genres but I found that I really like bringing in even small electronic influences with that, which changes how you write sometimes. Having an electric drum kit meant leaning into different playing styles to reflect that, which I found pretty cool. I’m hoping I don’t wear my influences on my sleeves but I think the general melancholy of bands I grew up with like The Cure and The Smiths permeate what I do too

5. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

From Sept ‘23 I started putting out occasional singles as I got more comfortable with what I was doing - and even dabbled with trying an alternative Christmas song ( but then a collection of songs that seemed to work well together first felt like they’d be an EP then grew into an album, which’ll be out on the 2nd December!

6. Do you have any new music in the works?

Always! It’s trying to focus on finishing stuff that’s the hard part! After the album, there’s an EP I have almost ready to record, after that who knows what’ll be next?

7. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

I wish! This is the downside right now of being a one-person band but perhaps that’ll change someday

8. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

Doing this music in this way feels like it’s enabling me to maybe be a little more creative in some ways so I’m curious where it’ll go and just follow that. Ultimately, I’m doing this for me - to express a bunch of stuff, so no grand aspirations of being arena rock or anything, just plug away, keep changing and putting stuff out and work on finding an audience

9. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

Most of the tracks are over pretty much all streaming platforms but you can listen and buy over at my Bandcamp:

10. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?

I guess that it’s honest but doesn’t take itself that seriously, that there’s light in dark places.

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