Bad Valentines' Pekko Talks of Debut Single And More Music!


Punk rock n' rollers BAD VALENTINES have been creating music for sometime, releasing their debut single just recently, with newer music coming soon! One of the band members takes sometime to talk with us about their time together, music, and plans ahead.


1. Please tell us about the history of your band and its members.

Pekko Mantzin : Sure! We are Kupe and Pekko, the guitar duo of Bad Valentines. This band kinda happened when corona virus stopped the world. Nothing was going on and four of us stated to play some decent rock´n´roll and punk rock covers. Kupe´s and bassist Edu´s band Plastic Tears was on hiatus because of corona and same thing with our band, Daggerplay, for which Sirpa plays drums and I sing and play guitar. It was pretty cool to play New York Dolls, Hanoi Rocks, Thin Lizzy and stuff like that for awhile. But maybe it was me who then suggested that it would be pretty cool if we tried out some originals, too.  This time I definitely didn´t wanna be in charge of being a frontman. Back then we called our line-up Rock´n´Roll Four. We then worked with one singer but after a couple of months we parted with her. Fortunately enough very soon after that Hon contacted us when she saw our ad in a musicians´ website. She learned the songs and came to our rehearsing place where we all found her a stunning person and superb singer.  

Kupe Wessman: Yeah, that's how it went. We all have long experience in music before Bad Valentines. I've been playing for 7 years in Plastic Tears,that's a Finnish glam punk/rock band, and we still keep rocking.

2. What’s the origin of the band’s name?

Pekko Mantzin : Should that be kept a secret? Anyways Bad valentines sounds better than Lousy Lovers, doesnt´t it?

3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there? Are there any local bands you could recommend?

Pekko Mantzin : Helsinki, Finland. This is Helsinki Rockcity for a reason and it has been like that for decades.
Plenty of rock everywhere in every different genre.
Great new young bands coming up and great veteran bands playing around the globe.
In my opinion the band called Lovers Left Alive is the best of the younger bands. I´d also recommend to take a listen to Bad Valentines : Helsinki Rock Jukebox on or Spotify. Four hours of Helsinki Rock.

4. How would you describe your style?

Pekko Mantzin : We´re rock´n´roll spiced with a plenty of punk rock, glam rock and 1960´s pop.

5. What have you released so far and what can someone expect from your works?

Pekko mantzin : Our debut single ´´Mariia´ was released just two months ago. It´s an anti-war song and it´s a leading single from our forthcoming EP ´Memory Tattoos´. High-class melodic energetic rock´n´roll can be expected.

Kupe: We have beautiful melodies and storied lyrics. On the other hand, we shoot down all slave drivers and greedy politicians with our lyrics. With good taste, of course.

6. Do you have any new music in the works?

Pekko Mantzin : We do have plenty of songs waiting to be recorded some day.

7. How about playing shows and touring, have anything planned out?

Pekko Mantzin : Maybe not touring as it´s expensive and we´re not signed plus we´ve no money but yea, we do play gigs regularly.  We´re gonna release two full concert videos at some point so people who are not able to see us playing live can still see what we´re about.

8. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

Pekko Mantzin : To play more gigs, hopefully get signed cos we´re pretty good, then play more gigs so we could get some cash for the future recordings.

9. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

Pekko Mantzin : It´s on us so you don´t have to buy anything! Follow us Spotify and YouTube and you´ll get all the music from us plus more. You can easily find out what´s going on for us by following us on Facebook or Instagram. We´re quite active on those platforms. We´re even on Titok but haven´t done any funny videos so far. But maybe we will at some point if we have some extra time to get funnily hammered for example at our rehearsing place. So keep an eye!

10. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?

Pekko Mantzin : "May soldiers lay down their arms".

Kupe: If you can forget everything around you for 3-4 minutes and it brings you joy, then our mission has been successful!

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