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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Polynove Pole Chats of New Music and Coming Content

Polynove Pole's combination of goth, melodic, doom, and death metal, makes their styling more interesting and unique to say the least. Since forming, a handful of releases have come forth, including even newer content coming soon enough. The band goes into chatter about the new music and releasing even more content they need to get out.

1. Give a brief history of your band, and the members.

Hail to all metalheads! Our band has been started in fall of 2004, that was a period when gothic culture and all that styles of music was much popular Ukraine, and finally in all Europe. It was planned like a gothic metal with female vocals and male growl, so as it is today. Early years were the same as for every young band – first demos, local gigs, than taking part in some bigger concerts and even rock festivals. We are located in Lviv – the most western city of Ukraine. One full – length album and 3 EP’s were published, as well as several live records and compilations.  Guitarist Yuriy is photographer and sculptor. Bassist works in software company, and takes part in animals rescue volunteer activities. She-vocalist Marianna Laba is a singer of Lviv Philharmonic and Organ Music House. In free time she helps her husband in their hotel business. Drummer Illiah is designer and tattoo master. And keyboardist Andriy is full-time involved in music.

2. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that?

It means “Wormwood Field” in Ukrainian. We have a famous proverb, which says – “To live a life is not to come across the field”. Some kind of philosophy. Wormwood grass is associated with pain and gloom, also it is used to make an absinth, so we decided it’s a good name for a gothic-oriented band.

3. What genre does the band play and why did you want to play this particular genre?

Music we play is dark and heavy, but melodic as well. It gives more deep emotions than just drive. Through our career it was considered sometimes as a gothic metal, symphonic metal, with some parts of doom. After reunion music turned to be heavier due to lower guitars tuning and some new approaches in drums, now it looks to be like doom/death with female vocals. But honestly saying, it does not matter, let’s your webzine readers  listen and decide. Looks like it depends of inner world of musicians, we are rather romantic persons, and philosophers a little bit. Dark side of life is more interesting and emotional. That is why it determines what we play and what lyrics we write.

4. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Sometimes yes, we played in different bands in our city and knew each other. But anyway it was for the music, not occasionally.

5. Do you write your own songs?

Yes, sure. We made some covers in the past, but just few.

6. What are the songs about?

Lyrics of our music is based on inner feeling and impressions of an author, his general worldview. From a very young age I have been interested in everything hidden, unknown, non-material, let's say so. My home library mostly consists of books about religions, esotheric, ancient traditions, mythologies. Together with a lot of personal dramas in a young age, it formed this style of poetry. Now, being grown-up, I'm far not so impressionable, but all that is still a part of me.

7. Who are your musical and non-musical influences?

Each of us has favorite bands, not the same. Bassist/vocalist likes old Katatonia, Saturnus, Moonspell, Amorphis. Drummer is a great fan of black metal, and he plays in 2 local black metal bands except of Polynove Pole. Guitarist listens to Arcturus, Opeth, Ihsahn and Soen. Keyboardist plays a wide range of music – black metal studio project and classic rock cover bands. And finally she-vocalist is a singer of Lviv Philharmonic and Organ Music House. She is professional in classic music, baroque, operetta.

It means we try to take some advantages of all these bands and kinds of music. Guitarist Yuriy is photographer and sculptor. Bassist works in software company, and takes part in animals rescue volunteer activities. She-vocalist Marianna Laba is a singer of Lviv Philharmonic and Organ Music House. In free time she helps her husband in their hotel business. Drummer Illiah is designer and tattoo master. And keyboardist Andriy is full-time involved in music.

8. What releases do you have under your belts thus far into your career as musicians?

Polynove Pole has released 3 EP's and one full-length album for this day. Also each of us took part in a big number of recordings of other bands and musical projects. Most of us are 30 years and older, so experience is obvious.

9. Do you have any new music in the works at this time?

Yes, right now we are making a new single. Drums are already recorded, guitars and bass just started. It's gonna be a fast and brutal song. Planning to make a release this winter.

10. What other plans do you have for this year?

Before the end of 2018 it's planned to release a new single and a new photo session related to it. Also a lyric video for one of songs from the EP "On The Edge Of The Abyss". Hope you will like it and follow us by the links below!

Official Website




YouTube channel

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