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Friday, January 31, 2014

Whorion's Ep Rautamaa Falls from Darkness

Symphonic technical death metal act Whorion formed in 2009, wanting to create something all their own and did just that. Now they are in the process of recording their full-length debut along with playing some shows here and there with a whole lot more in-store. Vocalist and gutarist Ep Rautamaa discusses the album, shows, and plans.

1. Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Whorion, and how long the band has been together.

EP:  I am the founder and song writer of Whorion. The band has been together since 2013, but the band formed in 2009 being an on/off project until 2012.

2. Tell us the brief history of your band.

EP: In the start of 2013 Iiro Illman and Dorian Logue joined the band and the first release was being fired up. Ari Nieminen came across and made vocal demo, Whorion was constructed in the way that we have visioned from the start. Ukri Suvilehto came as session drummer and we started to record first release at D-Studio in Klaukkala. With help of Vili Itäpelto and Jussi Kirves, also symphonic elements came really good together with the music. Heikki Saari from Norther joined the forces after first release was made and Ukri could not continue with us.

3. Where is the band based out of and what is your music scene like there?Are there any local bands you could recommend?

EP: We're based in Helsinki and it's full of metal. Whole metal scene can be found here and lots of awesome underground bands, such as Church of the Dead.

4. What type of band are you?

 EP: I personally started our band as death metal, a bit technical one, just added there orchestral elements on top of that. Songs needs to work without orchestral, they come as last but are also really important piece of the puzzle.

5. Why did you want to name the band Whorion? What does it symbolize and represent for the band?

EP: That isn't something we like to share at this point. Meaning of Whorion will be revealed at some point, but in our way. So that question has to wait a bit further for now.

6. Who are your musical and non-musical influences?

EP: Personally, Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Decapitated, Nile, Whitechapel and last but not least, Mr Peter Tägtgren.

7. What are your songs about? (What specific themes do they cover?)

EP: Biggest inspiration is the world itself and despicable race called humans who wanders here. Mind that cannot see distance or the big picture. What secrets lies beyond our sight and understanding. So many questions, so little answers. My mind goes away from here, there's is much more to look at. World without weak individual. Ancient Greek is also on my personal interest.

8. Do you write your own songs? (Discuss the songwriting process in detail.)

EP: The process of writing is slow since i take time to think everything through from the first kick drum to last trumpet. "Less is more", said someone once. So everything we put out, is thought through many times and past the bar we have set for this.  That is also our reason to put first EP and not full length. An idea what future is bringing. I'm giving music its own time to come together. Still have not finished listening this one album with 16 songs, since i did get bored on the 7th or 8th song. Maybe one day.

9. What's new in the recording of your music?

EP: There ain't nothing new in my personal view. Just different way to use already existent music elements.

10. What are your dreams and goals?

EP: Personally, no dreams or goals. Just passion to continue what I have started. Our goal is to tour as much as possible. Grow and get place in the world of music.

11. What should labels/zines/promoters know about your band? Why should they be interested in it?

EP: They should not actually. Everything you see, is enough. What's deeper inside, those who share passion, will find what lies under the surface.

12. Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?

EP: Spotify for free listening, Amazon, iTunes and many other web stores. Our own online store is under construction.

13. What plans do you have for the future as a band?

EP: Deal with the tours that has been presented and start recording our full length.

14. What is it you’d like a listener to remember the most when hearing your music for the first time?

EP: Well from artwork, lyrics and music, everything fit together and has been built as a theme, so if people see that, my job is done.

15. Any final words of wisdom?

EP: Only a blind can see through darkness.

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