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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Aiden Interview

1. How's the tour going?

WiL: The tour is going pretty good we started a couple of days ago in Fresno, we're in Anaheim tonight so pretty fun.

2. How's the self-titled CD going?

WiL: The feedback has been pretty good on it, and it's doing really well actually.

3. Why did you want to go out and do this mini tour?

WiL: We wanted to end this record cycle, and just lost our guitar player and just wanted to show everyone that we wanted to rock out hard!

4. Have you ever thought of touring with HIM, I AM Ghost?

WiL: We have toured with HIM and I AM Ghost actually but I'll see what I can do about bringing it back.

5. Is there any news on whats going to happen in the future for Aiden?

WiL: We're going to make a record this Winter and go out come the Spring time.

6. Are there any new songs for the new record?

WiL: Yeah I've got about 25 songs so far it's coming along great!

7. How many times have you played the Chain Reaction?

WiL: This is our 3rd or 4th time, Chain Reaction is definitely one of my favorites.

8. Is there a live CD/DVD coming out? No plans as of yet.

9. How did your Halloween go?

WiL: It was loads of fun!

10. Any plans for Thanksgiving or Christmas time?

WiL: Thanksgiving will be spent while on tour, and Christmas working on the new record.

11. What do you think of "Conviction," compared to your older material?

WiL: It's an alright album, its very polished and sounds good but also very weird, I don't know really.

12. Is there any band that you'd want to tour with?

WiL: There are a bunch of bands I'd want to tour with!

13. Have you read the book called Twilight?

WiL: No but I have not but I've seen a lot of posters for it.

14. If you had a chance to switch lives with someone for 24 hours who would you pick and why?

WiL: Shit I don't know if I would switch lives with anybody, I don't feel as if I would want to live someone else lifestyle.

15. Do you believe in life after death?

WiL: No.

16. Any other thoughts or comments?

WiL: Thanks for the interview and hopefully I'll get to talk to you again real soon!

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